When it is raining, I often find myself wanting to be in the kitchen baking or cooking something. My oldest son, the resident health nut, has been begging me to bake more whole wheat bread. Our second born son, the resident sweet eater, has been pleading with me to produce a yummy dessert. I missed making our weekly Sunday dessert due to being sick, and he is having withdrawals. I am planning on mixing up a batch of Monster Cookies, and I will share the recipe later this afternoon.
I am also hoping to have enough energy to get in the basement and repot some tomato plants. My plants have done really well this time so now they need to grow a bit more before planting them outside in the garden beds. I probably will cheat again and pick up a few mature tomato plants this weekend from the feed store and plant them so we can get an early jump on a nice red ripe tomato.
Don't forget to check back for a yummy Monster Cookie recipe...they have all sorts of wonderful things in them.
grace and peace,
Glad to hear you're feeling better! And thanks! Dan has a helmet and drives like a granny, so I have no worries about him, haha.
Btw, I posted a thought provoking link today on healthcare. Actually might be something to get the kids to watch, too. The debates were always the richest time of my education and this is very timely!
Love you guys!
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