Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Send the Rain

I miss the rain. You know the kind that sets in while it is still dark out first thing in the morning and lasts until you fall back asleep that night. There is something so relaxing about the rain. My mom says that if it is cloudy outside she can't see the dust so she isn't compelled to do something about it. We were hoping to get some of the rain from the storm down in Florida. All week the radar has shown that we would start having rain around Wednesday evening. I had been planning for this. I even scheduled time this afternoon to pick all the produce from the garden. Michael checked the radar before leaving for work this morning, and it now shows no rain in sight. Our pastures are in dire need once again for a drink. As we were having coffee this morning, we talked about feeding the animals some grain or going ahead and feeding them hay. We will have to do one or the other soon especially if no rain is in store for us.

There are things in life we can control as people, but we can't control the weather. It is a humbling realization just how many things that we have no say or control over in this life. We can either yield to the Lord with grace and style or pitch a fit and kick and scream, but in the end the outcome is the same. The Lord is in control. I personally take comfort in this. It isn't my responsibility to control everything, but I am told to trust Him...and I do. We pray for the rain and we wait. If it comes, we thank Him. If it doesn't come, we still thank Him. As we watch and pray and wait for rain, would you please join us and ask the Lord to send some rain our way?
grace and peace,
grace and peace,


Amy said...

It is so true when you say, "It is humbling."

In our flesh, we want to control everything, but that is most definitely not our job. And you're right, the weather situation that we experience, whether it be drought or flood, is just one of the many ways God reminds us of Whose job it is to control things.

I will say a prayer for rain to come your way.

God Bless,

Marci said...

We are praying here Julie. We too were hoping for some rain from this storm. We have a couple of more days worth of pasture and then we will have to feed hay.

TnFullQuiver said...

Thanks Amy and Marci!!
grace and peace,

Teri said...
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Teri said...

Julie - I really enjoy reading your blog. Would love to know how you made your tomato sauce. I need to put my tomatoes to good use.

Praying for rain.
