Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July!!!

We are so blessed to live in the country that we do. I know that our country has many problems that need to be addressed, but I still believe with my whole heart that it is the best country out there! I am a very proud American, and I love the 4th of July celebrations. I love celebrating this special holiday with family and friends. This year however we decided to mix things up a bit. Michael and the 3 older boys went on a fishing trip. The rest of us stayed behind today and caught up on some work. Tonight we will be watching the fireworks as usual. We did not do our traditional cook out either this year. Instead we had garden green beans and new potatoes, cooked apples, fried zucchini, and corn fritters served with homemade honey butter, and of course sweet tea.

I am thinking that Hope and I will make some blackberry jam this afternoon. Last night's blackberry picking yielded 5 quarts of beautiful blackberries. I will either freeze them for cobblers or go ahead and make jam. Our farm is loaded with blackberries, and I enjoy picking them. My kids do not really get into picking blackberries because of the thorns, but I see it as a mission. I always loved picking blackberries as a child on my grandmother's farm.

Enjoy the holiday, and remember to continue to pray for our troops that are still in harms way as well as those who are serving here at home.

grace and peace,

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