Thursday, April 17, 2008

Garden Updates

Michael and I went out yesterday evening to work in the garden. Here is a picture of the strawberries that we just planted. I am amazed that there are leaves on them so quickly. This is the first time I have ever dealt with strawberries that were dormant when first planted.
The second picture is of our squash and zucchini bed that we planted last night. I am heading out this morning to plant some more lettuce and spinach. Succession planting is the way to go. I try to replant lettuce and spinach every two weeks. I will be planting some lettuce in my broccoli bed. I use the more mature broccoli plants as shade providers for the lettuce. I noticed last night that we already have broccoli on several of our plants. It is just tiny, but it won't be long and we will be harvesting it.
grace and peace,

1 comment:

Marci said...

Wow, I am amazed as well. That was really quick!!!