Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Blowing Again

The wind blew again last night. I truly don't like the wind here in our little area. I am learning how to sleep with the wind blowing, but I still wake up throughout the night wondering what is being destroyed. Believe it or not, I hadn't even thought about my plants. About 1:09 a. m., my husband said, "I hope your plants aren't being smashed and blown away". For the rest of the night, I dreamed off and on about plants being blown from here to yonder! When I awoke this morning, I found that our chicken fence had been blown down so now all the chickens are dining in the garden. To be exact, they are feasting on seeds in my pea bed. I can't do anything about it as of yet seeing how the wind is still blowing. Plus I need our 11 year old to go catch the chickens. He is much better at that then myself. When the wind stops, I will go down to see what damage has been done by both the wind and chickens. I guess the bright side is that I have been saying that we need to move the chickens for the last two weeks, and now the wind has helped us do just that!

grace and peace,


Mountain Mama said...

Any serious damage?
Beautiful rooster!!

TnFullQuiver said...

No serious damage was done. The chickens did cause some damage to several plants. I don't think my 18 Romaine lettuce plants will recover. We have PLENTY of broccoli and cabbage so that damage shouldn't be too noticed. Enjoy your day!!!
grace and peace,