Monday, August 06, 2007

August Struggles...

I always struggle with the month of August as a gardener. It is a very productive month in the garden. Many items are still ripening, and there are always many chores left to do to finish the season. Somehow in my mind I have always viewed August as the end of summer. School starts back during this month. Along with that comes football practice and football games. I mentally get ready to start winding down my summer activities. However, the garden still has much left to give, and I still have much left to do. I also find August hard because the plants that have been so pretty all summer long are starting to look worn and weary. My tomato plants are just down right ugly although they are still producing. I struggle with wanting everything in my garden picture perfect so I get frustrated when I see such an ugly bed of plants. I want to till up the whole ugly bed, but I know I will still get tomatoes from those plants. I have to use restraint. My zinnias are the same way. The flowers are still beautiful, but the plants look horrid.
I am not the only person who sees August as the end of summer. I opened my email this morning and there was an invitation to an "End of Summer Bash" pool party at a friend's home. So I get caught between summertime gardening and mentally and physically preparing for fall. One of my fall preparations this week will be to start many of my seeds for fall planting back in the shop greenhouse area. I will post my schedule of plantings a little later in the week. I am excited that I am prepared to do this. Every year I have always intended to raise our own plants for fall, but I always get caught without ever doing that. I know we will be clearing out beds to direct seed fall peas and collard greens. I also want to get a new bed ready to plant more lettuce soon. So you see I am caught between summer gardening being in full swing here on our farm, and winding down to prepare for the fall season as well as the fall garden. I am still canning lots of tomatoes. I also have to schedule the time to plant the seeds in the shop. I just pray I remember that I have seeds/plants growing down there!!
grace and peace,


Paula said...

Hang in there. I know the tasks can be quite daunting at times. August will over before you know it!

TnFullQuiver said...

I just have to deal with that itch of being ready for fall when it is still blazing hot outside! We lived in Florida for 6 years and we had no seasonal change. Now, I always anticipate the different seasons, and I enjoy each and every one of them. (Well, except maybe August)!

Enjoy your day.
grace and peace,