Thursday, July 23, 2009

Preserving the Harvest

If you want to talk to me the next few days, you will find me down in the green beans. I have been busy every day picking green beans, breaking green beans, and canning green beans. Did I mention that we have also been eating green beans? My goal is to have 70 quarts of green beans in our pantry waiting for winter. Our bean plants are not even producing at their max capacity yet so I am sure I will be able to meet and exceed my goal. I don't mind to can green beans, but I do need to have the beans broken the night before I start canning. This just makes it all go much faster. If you are interested in canning green beans, I recommend picking up a Ball Blue Book. It a wonderful reference for just about any canning need. You can buy them at Walmart in the canning section. You'll be glad you did!

grace and peace,

1 comment:

Paige said...

Very nice. How long does it take you to can everything? That was my one reservation about always took forever as a kid.