Monday, September 28, 2009

Removing the Wall

Our house has been full of hustle and bustle. Everything around us is torn apart, but in the end it should be worth all the effort. Michael and Joshua have made major steps in removing the wall that divides our living room from our kitchen/dining area. Here in the upper picture, you can see the wall on the right. This is the wall that will be coming down in order to make a great room. The wall on the left is the temporary wall that Joshua built. Since the wall that is being removed is a load bearing wall, temporary walls had to be installed in order to keep our ceiling from cracking or falling.
Joshua did a great job building the temporary walls. He learned the old adage "measure twice and cut once" very well. While he was building temporary walls, Michael was at work on moving the electric from the wall. He had to take out the electrical wires and rewire them to other areas. He also ordered the beam that we will use for holding our ceiling in place. It cost just a little over a $100. I think that is a good investment for something that will help make our house much more to our liking. There is still much work to be done. I have given them a deadline of Thanksgiving. I really want our home put back together in time to host our annual family Thanksgiving. If it isn't completed by then, we will still be thankful and have everybody here anyway. It is just nice to have a goal!
Missy has been a little bewildered with all the mess. You can tell she isn't happy about the whole process. I told her she might as well get used to it!!!
grace and peace,

1 comment:

Carmen S. said...

Missy's look is priceless! I'm sure once its all done and she can see into the kitchen better, she'll be lovin' it:) Hope they can meet your deadline!