Thursday, January 24, 2008


When I downloaded our pictures from our camera to our computer, this is what I found. I knew one afternoon recently that Jacob and Seth were playing cowboys. I could hear the laughter rolling up the stairway. Every so often Seth would come upstairs asking me to tie his bandanna around his mouth. It kept falling off with the laughter that exuded from his little being. As I looked at the pictures on the computer screen, my heart was flooded with Thanksgiving to the Lord. We are so blessed that our children enjoy being with one another. My 11 year old and my 3 year old can spend an afternoon playing cowboys together. This touches my heart. When we had Seth, I was bothered by the fact that there were so many years between him and our other children. I was afraid that he would be left out of his siblings lives...almost like an only child. Shortly after Seth's first birthday, I conceived again. We lost that baby. For our family, that was miscarriage number 5. The Lord knew my fears, and He has answered the cry of my heart concerning our youngest child. He isn't like an only child at all. He is surrounded with siblings who spend a great deal amount of time with him. I am thankful to have a home where children's laughter fills the very fiber of our being.

grace and peace,



Anonymous said...

That is so great Julie. I love watching kids of different ages play together. It's a foreign concept to so many people, but it was one of the first things I noticed when we first considered homeschooling.

TnFullQuiver said...

I think it is one of the greatest benefits to homeschooling. My kids all have a close relationship because they have spent so much time togher. Now that our oldest son is in public school, our other children miss him.

Has your weather gotten cold and snowy there yet? We are still waiting here for our "big" snow!!
grace and peace,