I can only imagine what words of love he may mutter from his sleep on the morning of our anniversary!!!!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Sweet Nothings in the Morning
I can only imagine what words of love he may mutter from his sleep on the morning of our anniversary!!!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
An Afternoon at the Ballet
Hope still loves playing with dolls, but she also likes being a part of grown up things. She is learning to cook with me. She enjoys gardening, but she prefers to do that in the summer time. She isn't thrilled with planting seeds in the winter! Raising a girl has been a bit more challenging for me than raising boys. I think it is because most girls are more emotional than boys. With boys, they are generally naughty or nice. Girls seem to be different. Many things are dramas even when there isn't a need for a drama. I am not a drama queen so at times this becomes frustrating to me. Hope LOVES to serve her dad. (By the way, I too enjoyed serving my dad. This was the beginning of learning to have a servant's heart in my own life). I encourage her all the time to serve her Daddy even when she would rather do something else. She has stepped into making his lunch for work. He called today and said that Hope packed his lunch, but everything she included needed to be heated with boiling water. He didn't have any boiling water so he didn't eat. He was very cheerful about it and asked me not to say anything to her. She even included him a pack of hot chocolate. He didn't want to hurt her feelings. However, we will address what types of foods are best for his lunch next time BEFORE she sends him off to work!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Meet the Flock
The farm that Michael purchased the sheep from was a wealth of information. My husband and children all came home quite impressed with the Border Collie that she used to herd the sheep. Michael said that he enjoyed watching the Border Collie work as much as he enjoys watching bird dogs do their thing. I am sure a Border Collie will be in his future. I told him that we could use our English Mastiff to round up the sheep. He glared at me and said that would look more like a nuclear explosion! Not a pretty picture to think about there!!!
As we learn more, we will be sure to pass on the information. I would like Michael to post about his growing knowledge of sheep. He serenaded me to sleep last night telling me all about sheep breeding and genetics. I drifted off somewhere between the RR factor and the QQ genetic factor.
grace and peace,
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Saturday Farm Happenings
We are still in a bit of a quandary. We will be picking up 10 sheep tomorrow afternoon, but we still do not have any area designated just for the sheep. This will make it very difficult to administer medication if needed or even the basic need of feeding them specific minerals and corn. (Remember our horses...they are the big pigs of the pastures)! We are taking this one step at a time. Today it is fences. Tomorrow it will be to bring them here. Sometime soon we can address the other issues. The lady that we are buying the sheep from suggested that we leave our horses in the same pasture as the sheep. She promised us that our horses would protect them from coyotes. (I hope that includes horses who are just lawn ornaments. Hey if she is right, then the horses just found a real job which means Michael won't be wanting to get rid of them every time he buys a new load of hay)! She said that in her past experience donkeys aren't the best to use for protection of sheep because they tend to kill the lambs. In her experience, the donkeys weren't trying to kill the little darlings, but they just tended to play a little too rough for their well being. I still would like to look into some Great Pyrenees Dogs or maybe some sort of herding dogs. That is way off for now seeing as how I don't even have the basics for the sheep yet!
I am sad to say that I will not be around tomorrow to bring home our new additions. I had already purchased tickets to take my daughter to a Christian Ballet. I would so rather be in jeans and work boots getting new sheep, but I know that would greatly disappoint my daughter. So instead I will dress up in nice clothes and get a little culture added to my life. It should be fun, and I know that it will be a great time for our daughter. I am hoping that Jacob will be taking pictures for me of the sheep in my absence. If he does get some good ones, I will post them for all to see.
grace and peace,
Friday, January 25, 2008
A Snow Day in East Tennessee
As you can imagine with 4 boys and one girl in the house, there was lots of laughing and playing and wrestling.
With all the kids being entertained by each other, I took the time to do some baking. I decided to make a pecan pie. Whenever I make a pie that requires one pie crust, I always make a second crust to freeze. This is a huge time saver for me if I need a nice homemade dessert quickly. While I was rolling out the second crust to put in the freezer, Jacob came in and asked me if I was making his favorite pie. Jacob won't hardly eat any pie except Chess Pie. (Again Go Figure...of all the pies to be the only one he really likes. He is a strange little child)!!! As I was looking for ingredients to make the pecan pie, I realized I didn't have Karo Syrup so I made a quick plan change. I did go ahead and make chess pie for Jacob instead of freezing the extra crust, and I also made a Chocolate Meringue Pie for everybody else. Our chickens are laying well right now so I always enjoy baking when I have plenty of eggs to use.
That just about sums up our untypical snow day. It was fun and a few things got accomplished that was out of the ordinary. It was a good day.
grace and peace,
Thursday, January 24, 2008
grace and peace,
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Water Leaks and Other Fun Things
My dear husband spent his morning repairing a water leak at our home. After digging a huge hole to locate the leak, he was able to put in a new fitting and fix the leak. I let our English Mastiff out, and her look at Michael's mess was priceless. She had a look on her face as if to say, "Your in big trouble now Mister"! We constantly fuss at her when she digs in the yard, I guess she thought Michael had lost his mind for digging up the front yard!
I have to say I love indoor plumbing! I often think I would have loved to have lived in the days of Little House on the Prairie. However, I truly love turning the valve at the kitchen sink and having running water. I guess I am more spoiled than I would like to admit. I can't tell you how many times I turned the water on and found that nothing came out. I knew the water was turned off, but I guess habits are hard to break. I was very thankful when Michael had our water flowing once again. We spent the day without water so tomorrow will be designated as a cleaning day. I also didn't realize how much I use water to clean!!
grace and peace,
Seeds to Plants...Next Step
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Fun Farm Weekend
The next farm we went to was a great educational experience. We showed up unannounced, but they were very gracious to show us around and give us information. The man escorted us into the field that had 30 ewes that were for sale. He said that 28 of the 30 had been bred. I was really wanting to know how he knew which ones had been bred, but I decided that I would ask my husband when we got home. I am tired of opening my mouth and showing my ignorance of farming around experienced farmers. I noticed that all of the ewes had a large spray painted orange mark on their back. I figured that they were marked to designate which ones were for sale. (I was wrong). I saw the ram and he was wearing a harness. It looked like something you would attach a leash to in order to lead him around the pasture. I decided that it would be an appropriate question to ask about the harness. After all, we might need to purchase a harness to lead our ram around the field with too. Once I asked the question, this nice gentleman farmer got that sly grin on his face. Ughh..somehow I had asked a question that showed my complete ignorance of sheep. He told me in a very kind way that it was the marker for the ewes. I was confused and decided that since I had already showed my ignorance I should just go for the whole ball of wax and ask yet another question. I opened my mouth and asked a marker for what???? He then explained sheep breeding to me. (Oh, why didn't I just ask my husband ALL of my questions at home in private)!!! He explained that the harness contains a paint pack. He drew my attention to the color of the pack in the front of the harness. It was the same color as the mark on the ewe. When the ram breeds with the ewe, he also paints her back. This is the way he knew which of the 30 ewes had been bred. I smiled back at the kind man and said well, now you have answered the question that I really wanted to ask.
He and his wife spent time giving us a lot of great information. We will be going back next Saturday to pick up 10 ewes. Yes, according to the large paint spot on their back they should all be pregnant. They are due to lamb in June.
There has been some questions about selling sheep and goats in Tennessee without having a scrapie tag. I asked the sheep farmer about the law, and she told me that the new law says that as long as the sheep are sold for meat before the age of 18 months old the new law doesn't apply. I am still not for sure of all the ends and outs, but it is something that we are investigating. We will keep you posted as we find out more information.
grace and peace,
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Snow Day Fun
I woke up this morning to hear the county schools had been cancelled. I was thrilled, and then I looked outside. There wasn't any snow. Well, there was enough to look like some flour had been spilled on the yard, but mostly grass was showing. Well since we didn't have any snow to speak of we spent the morning being lazy. (We all enjoyed that a great deal)! Our family took the snow day and headed to the local YMCA and made it a swim day instead. I have to say that we had a great time, but it sure didn't end up like we all thought it would. After buying 5 pairs of gloves and two plastic sleds, I spent 30 minutes trying to scrounge up a pair of shorts for our 3 year old to swim in. I didn't think his Thomas the Train snow boots would fit the bill for the afternoon!!! (However, he did wear them to YMCA)! I took a picture from last year and posted it with this post because to date we haven't seen enough snow to even take a picture!!!!!! On the bright side, all of our animals' water is still flowing and not frozen.
grace and peace,
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
What Would You Have Done?
When I started feeding the animals my husband gave me instructions. Actually he gave the same instructions to our oldest son over the weekend. These were his instructions to the letter..."Give each animal one slice of hay". (He also gave other instructions about buckets of grain, but I got all of those right so we need not discuss those for now). We bought a large cube of alfalfa hay and it peels off into slices for easier feeding. I noticed after a few days the animals were VERY happy to see me come to feed them. As my husband and I were talking last night, I mentioned how much hay we had left. He had a shocked look on his face and asked me just how much I was feeding the animals. I recited his instructions back to him just like he said..."I gave each animal one slice of hay". He was still puzzled, and he began to inquire some more of my feeding. After a few minutes of discussion, he asked me exactly how many slices of hay I had put out that day. (Now I am not a math student, but I was beginning to think he was losing his mind. We have 2 horses and 4 cows. That equals 6 animals. I put 6 slices of hay out...one for each animal). He looked at me oddly and asked me if I was joking. I assured him I can do basic math and I knew exactly how many animals were eating hay and I put out one for each animal just like he had instructed. He then started back tracking. He said that he thought that I understood that one for each animal meant one per animal group. I was suppose to be putting out one slice for the horses and one slice for the cows. I told him that was NOT what he said and that I followed the instructions given to me. It was his fault not mine that the animals have now eaten so much hay. He disagreed. Later that night our oldest son was in the room with us. I asked him how much hay he had given the animals over the weekend. Matthew recited the instructions back to me and his dad. "Give each animal one slice of hay". The teenager proved my point well. His Dad's instructions were flawed. By the way, the animals also like seeing our oldest son coming out to feed them! Unfortunately for them, Michael has now cleared up the miscommunication. All good things must come to an end, and that includes extra grub for the farm animals!!!
grace and peace,
Monday, January 14, 2008
Weekend Home Improvements
Michael spent the weekend working on our kitchen. Here you can see that our spice drawers to the left of the stove have now been completed! I can't tell you how excited I am about this. We started renovating the kitchen about 3 years ago. This project has been a huge undertaking, and we are about 80% complete. I guess it has been about a year since Michael has worked on the kitchen. There have been so many other things pulling at his time. (Farm work and building a business are just a few of the latest)! He also finished the tile in the kitchen. When he laid the tile, he did not put it under the stove or the refrigerator. He didn't want to move the appliances on to the freshly laid tile in the kitchen. We were going to wait about a month and come back to finish the job. Well a little over a year has gone by so he decided it was time. Wow, what a difference it makes having the tile under the appliances. He also replaced a broken part on our dishwasher, and it is amazing how much better that cleans. He glued up some more cabinet panels so they will be ready to install as soon as he gets the time. (Lord willing it won't be another year)!! As soon as he installs the new panels, I will start putting on the finish.
We also moved our chickens into the collard green and lettuce bed. They do a fantastic job of cleaning up a garden bed for the next growing season. I am hoping that they will have eaten much of the bug larvae and that we will enjoy less bugs in our garden. Our chickens are laying about a dozen eggs a day now! Yesterday our son gathered 14 eggs so I guess they are happy with their new "home improvements" as well.
grace and peace,
Friday, January 11, 2008
Making a House a Home
I am not for sure where my thoughts about being a homemaker came from, but I don't think it was from my own mother. My own mother kept an immaculate house. I don't ever remember one time waking up to a messy house. I don't ever remember dishes being in the sink except right after a meal. However, her attitude was one of distaste for homemaking. She was very good at the surface of keeping a home, but her heart wasn't into the home. I always thought that she was a homemaker ONLY because she had no other skills. She just settled for the job because she couldn't do anything better with her life. (I found out after I was married with my own children that my picture of her was wrong. She CHOSE to stay at home and she actually gave up a career to do so).
I know that many of my heart attitudes came from the lady across the street. Her and her husband were more like grandparents to me than neighbors. I loved them dearly and spent many hours in their home. Just watching her interact with her husband showed me something that amazed me as a child. She was well into her 70's and her eyes still danced when she spoke of her Joe. She loved that man dearly and he in turned loved her in a way I had never seen before. When I was a teenager, she would tell me that when I get married to make sure that I never complained about my husband wanting to hunt or fish. Her Joe spent many hours in the woods and she was always thankful that he was there instead out somewhere drinking or womanizing! She told me stories of what life was like during her childhood and raising a family during the depression. She told me life events concerning farming and many other of her childhood memories. While she told me stories, she was teaching me a different way of thinking. Every day when I was walking home from school, her husband would ask me what I had learned that day. I usually replied with "nothing", and he then would tell me what I should be learning. It was this man who quizzed me with my multiplication facts when I was in fourth grade. My own mother taught me to be a good cook, but this lady taught me how to wrap the meals that I prepared with love. She taught me a graciousness about being a homemaker that I had never seen at home.
Last night our family sat down to a late dinner. Everybody was very hungry and ready to dig in to homemade chicken pot pie, cranberry salad, and hot from the oven yeast rolls. It was so late that I didn't want my younger children to have tea so I put a pretty pitcher full of ice water on the table. My two older boys both noticed at different times the pretty pitcher of ice water on the table. They both took the time to comment on how nice it was to have a glass pitcher instead of my usual plastic pitcher. These boys are 16 and 14 years of age, but they notice when I take the time to do the extra little things. My boys love it when I take the time to light candles throughout our home. They notice the beauty of the candle light and it is special to them. I do this often and every person in our home enjoys this simple act. It is a statement to them that I care enough for them to go that extra step.
There are days that I don't feel like putting our home back in order. Today I am frustrated with our children and the way they have been keeping the downstairs. Our oldest son knew it was going to be a problem because he warned me this morning before I went downstairs. He knew I wasn't going to be pleased. When an area of our home looks like our basement does this morning, I have two choices. I can choose to pitch one of my notorious Momma fits complete with steam coming from my ears and loud sighing sounds coming from my mouth. I can choose another path which causes my children to grow in the area of being responsible. I also have to look at myself and see where I have dropped the ball with training the children. I haven't made it a priority the last 2 weeks to keep an eye on the basement. They will keep it up much better if they know that I will be down to inspect their areas. (Remember these are 16, 14, and 11 year old boys occupying this space with a 3 year old added into the mix)! I will be having a loving mother to son talk with each of my boys today. I will hold each and every one of them accountable for the state of the basement. (o.k...I can't really hold the 3 year old accountable, but I can at least make him pick up his dirty clothes)!!
All of these facets are part of homemaking. I don't want to be the maid in my children's world because chances are when they grow up they won't have a maid. I also bet their wives won't want that job title either. However, I do want our home to be a place of order and peace. I want our home to be a place of refreshing from the craziness of our everyday world. I want our home to be permeated with the love of Christ even when everybody isn't acting exactly the way they should. I love dinner time because our family gathers around the farm table and the labor of my hands is enjoyed, but it is so much more than that. Our dinner time is full of conversation and laughter...usually there is much laughter around our table...sometimes more laughter than my ears would like to her. I know that good memories are being made for all in the house. With each day that passes by, I know our house remains a home full of love for each and every one of us.
Being a homemaker isn't being the maid, although it does involve cleaning. It is about a heart attitude... a thankfulness to the Lord for even having a home and family. It involves training the children in proper attitudes as well as pratical applications for every day. It isn't about being June Cleaver of Leave it to Beaver in t.v. land. In her fictional world, everybody was gone while she stayed home cleaning and cooking and making herself pretty. I would rather my family be around me while we work together to make our house a home. (Well, there are some days I would love a grandparent to take ALL the children AND the dog to do something productive AWAY from the house)!! Being a homemaker is about our heart in all that we do for our family. It is a choice that we make everyday.
grace and peace,
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Farm Update
The seeds that I planted just the other day have already sprouted. I was amazed at how quickly they came up! I still have 2 more trays that haven't germinated yet, but I am sure they will soon. I have the seeds in our bathroom, and I could literally watch them grow every time I stopped in the bathroom. It was amazing to see that in just a few hours time that the tiny little plants would grow. I will be moving 2 trays into the shop to grow under the grow lights. The other two will continue floating in our bathroom until the seeds germinate. From this afternoon until this evening, the little plants had already started leaning into the direction of the bathroom light. I have lost many new seedlings due to the fact that they become leggy growing to the light. This is why we bought the grow lights so we could adjust the height of the light as the plants grew. Leggy plants do not grow good root systems so they will generally die quickly.
While I was preparing dinner this evening, I took a pail of kitchen scraps out to the pigs. I took the time to pay attention to just how much they have grown in the last few weeks. I was amazed at how quickly pigs gain weight. I know they are eating a lot, and they are thrilled with any kitchen scraps that get tossed their way. We don't usually have leftovers for animals. Remember we have 5 kids that like to eat!!!
Speaking of eating... I am also amazed at the amount of hay our animals are eating. We now have 4 cows and 2 horses eating hay. Michael put out $120 worth of hay out and it lasted for one week! Obviously that doesn't fit into our budget so now we are rationing hay to the animals. The horses are the big hogs of the bunch. I don't think they took their noses out of the hay ring during the past week except to go to the pond for a drink of water! This hay shortage has really made an impact on many farms here in our area. We have just a few animals and it has affected us. I can't imagine what it has done for the farmers with many animals. The price of hay has at least doubled from last year's prices. We don't have a tractor or we would have cut our own hay this past year. Perhaps by next year we will have purchased a used tractor!
grace and peace,
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Oh the Weather Outside is Spring Like!!
I did get my seeds planted. I decided to germinate them in the upstairs bathroom. I am always concerned that the shop will not stay warm enough to germinate seeds. The last few days haven't been a problem, but I am sure colder weather will come in the next few days. My husband wasn't delighted to find containers of seeds floating in the bathtub. I told him just to use the other bathroom and it would be fine. He insisted that the shop was warm enough, and he is probably right. I just wanted to have a little extra precaution. If he grumbles too much, I will move them back to the shop.
grace and peace,
Monday, January 07, 2008
Seed Time for Harvest
Friday, January 04, 2008
Off to Feed the Animals
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Collard Greens
Collard Greens
In an iron skillet, use about 3 Tablespoons bacon grease. Add fresh collards that have stem removed and chopped into bite size pieces. Add about a quart of water, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 teaspoon sugar. Cook for about 45 minutes on low to medium heat. Add more liquid if necessary during the cooking process. Spoon collards out of liquid into serving bowl. Serve collards with vinegar if desired.
grace and peace,