Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Garden Tidbits

Our sunflowers are coming up wonderfully this year. This picture was taken with last year's supply of sunflowers. The sunflowers didn't do much last year. I don't know the problem, but this year I planted more and more and more sunflower seeds just to make sure we didn't have a repeat failure. I see lots of different types of sunflower seeds poking up their pretty little petals down in our garden area. We didn't get as much done in the garden on Mother's Day as I had hoped, but we sure had a nice day. I have spent much of my day out there today working hard. I am hoping a husband or a son will come home and get the tiller going this evening so I can finish up the planting in the big garden. We have had so much rain this year and I am so thankful, but it has slowed us down a bit planting the garden.
Our table is filled with fresh garden lettuce of all different varieties, spinach, broccoli, green onions, and a few strawberries. The squash, cucumbers, okra, and zucchini plants are doing nicely, but still way too small to produce anything as of yet. I have an entire bed full of beautiful peas. I also have some beets, radishes, and cabbage plants that are growing. I will be succession planting more lettuce and spinach very soon. I may also do another planting of squash and zucchini. My goal for tonight is to plant green beans. Surely, I can get that done!!!!
grace and peace,


Paige said...

One more year! I am determined to have a semi-decent garden as soon as I graduate, move, and buy a house!

I love the sunflowers by the way! Probably my summer favorite!

Boysaplenty!! said...

Hope you get a lot accomplished in your garden tonight! We FINALLY got some much needed rain today, Praise the Lord! Most of the veggies you mentioned, the cabbage, broccoli, lettuce and beets, that you have planted are the ones we plant in the fall here in Fl. I didn't realize our seasons were that different. I am trying an medicinal herb garden this year. I have planted the seeds now I am waiting....wondering...know what I mean?! LOL

Marci said...

Mine got tilled under by accident last year. I only had one. I have a bunch to plant though. However, with us moving (Lord willing), who knows if I will be here to enjoy them.

I love the pitcher you have yours in.