Jacob walked out the door this morning with a loud squeal. It is cold outside, and I am not for sure we are ready for it. I love to look at the beauty of winter, but I don't enjoy the temperature. I am not especially thrilled with doing outside chores in the winter either. Michael has been gone out of town this whole week. He will be arriving home today. I have missed him, and I have missed his fires. He can have a fire in a matter of minutes. It can take me days to get a fire started! We have been sharing quiet evenings watching Christmas movies these past few nights. I like the slower pace of this season. We have worked hard to slow things down during the Christmas season. We don't go to a lot of parties or extra activities. We don't stress over buying the perfect gifts. We serve the same Christmas dinner menu every year so we don't panic about the holiday meal preparation. We just enjoy the season and we enjoy our family. I guess we do enjoy winter in an odd sort of way. We spent so many years in Florida and we so missed the change of seasons. I have always loved the coziness of winter time. It is a time for every thing to slow down and rest. It is also a planning time for me. I think about the things I want to do next growing season on the farm or in the garden. We have time to sit and talk about the upcoming changes. We have time to plan them out so that we can execute the plans come spring. Yes, winter has its place so for now I will enjoy it! Hurry home Baby, I need a fire!!!!
grace and peace,
Hope you get your fire soon:) Winter for me too, is a time to slow down and reflect on things, I think we all need that now and then, and sometimes we just don't get the time during the summer. I hate the bone chilling cold, but if I lived somewhere that it's warm all the time, I would miss the changing seasons!
eiskalt ! :-)
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