Missy is having a little trouble getting out of bed this morning. So if you don't mind, would you like to come to the garden with me? While we are there we will be picking more squash and zucchini. You are MORE than welcome to take some home with you. We have been eating a lot of stir fry and fried zucchini here lately so we have plenty extra to share.
You are more than welcome to help pick the potato bugs off our beautiful potatoes. You see, we have declared war on the little bugs, but I am afraid they gain a little extra ground every day.
Our cucumbers are now in bloom. There isn't much to do in this bed because I have already weeded it. By the way, while we are in the garden do you care to spend three or four hours helping me do some weeding? You don't have that much time? Neither do I so I guess it will have to wait for another day!
We have also been picking, shelling, and eating peas. Don't worry about this bed. My husband offered the kids a deal they couldn't refuse after dinner last night. They had the choice of going to pick the remaining peas and he and I would do the dinner dishes. Their second choice was they could pick the remaining peas AND do the dinner dishes when they got back. Yes, I raised smart kids so they chose the first option which gave my hubby and me some time to visit. On a side note after helping me with the dishes last night, my hubby did mention that we would be purchasing a new dishwasher very soon. I have been doing dishes by hand for several months now. He has done them once and he is NOW ready to buy a dishwasher!!! So apparently I was the winner last night because I had the children doing the garden chores AND I will soon be getting a new dishwasher!
Our lettuce was beautiful this year, but we had to till it under due to the fact that it bolted. We still have enough to make one more salad for tonight's supper. Don't worry about this bed. The kids have already tilled it up and I have replanted it with okra and more yellow squash. Yes, I am trying to succession plant squash this year to see if I can stretch out the harvest. I now have planted okra three different times this year. If I don't see some little okra plants this time around, I am done. I will just go the farmer's market and buy it!
Thanks for helping me in the garden this morning. I wonder if Missy ever got out of bed?
grace and peace,
Lol...Your Missy seems to love beds like my shepherd does:)The garden is so beautiful!
What kind of peas are those in the picture? It looks like snow peas but we don't shell those we use them in stir fry. I have Lincoln peas to plant yet and I have never grown those before. They are a shell pea. Just curious if that might be what yours are. Your garden looks great! We didn't see any flowers on our walk. How are they coming along? Glad you are back in the blogging world!! Missed you.
By the way, my dishwasher is broken too!
she loves any bed that she can sneak herself into!! Thanks for the garden compliment. Did you notice I didn't show you any of our weeds???
My flowers have not bloomed out yet. They are almost ready so I should pictures soon. We both need our dishwashers!!!! You know our great great grandmothers would agree!
grace and peace,
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