Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Just a quick note

The weather here is still beautiful, and we are working very hard to get a few things caught up around here before winter sets in for good. We are also hosting my family for Thanksgiving this year, and working to get everything in order for that weekend as well.

Michael has asked me to locate garlic bulbs to plant this fall. Does anyone have suggestions as to where I can purchase good quality organic garlic bulbs to plant? I checked Johhny's Selected Seeds, and it is in stock. However, I wasn't sure if it was at a good price or even good quality garlic. I plan on purchasing Herrick Kimball's book concerning making garlic powder, but I was wanting to go ahead and order my bulbs before receiving the book. (That is about the way I do things. I am the one who gets the pigs, and then says "oh, where should we put them"???)! Michael is the planner of the family so I guess we balance one another out pretty well. He is working VERY long hours right now, and I am just trying to help him out a bit by finding the garlic bulbs for him.

grace and peace,


Anonymous said...

I just found your blog with a link from Cheri's. I want to be a farm girl too! I don't think the rest of my family is so sure:) Wishing you and yours all the best!

TnFullQuiver said...

Mary Ellen,
I am glad you found us! I am still very much in the process of becoming a farm girl myself. I have to admit it has been something I have wanted all of my life, and I am thrilled to see it developing in my life. The rest of your family will come along, but it may not be so much their dream as it is yours. Thats o.k. too. I had to come to grips with that for my own kids. The really great thing has been that since I just quit fussing at them about it all, I have found their heart is a lot closer to the farm lifestyle than I ever knew. One day I got mad and told everybody that I was going to sell the farm. I was jumping up and down in the garden having a fit because the kids just weren't helping AT ALL. I told them that we could just move to a neighborhood and that would be that. My kids were stunned to say the least. There was no way that any of them wanted to part with this farm. They even pitched in and helped with the garden work without another word of fuss. By the way, I did repent to them for my ungodly fit, but I was glad to see their real heart on the subject.

grace and peace to you and your family,