Sunday, August 28, 2011

The End of The Summer Garden

Our garden has produced a tremendous amount of vegetables this year.  We have enjoyed eating fresh from the garden as well as filling our pantry with canned goods.  This has required a lot of time, but it is coming to a close for now.  I can't say that I am sad to see the hard work go, but I am sad to see the fresh food go by the wayside!

At the beginning of the garden year, we decided to plant  a traditional row garden.  This was in order to save time and money.  After working in the traditional garden this year, I think we have changed our minds about raised bed gardening.  I don't think we will spend the money or time to do a raised bed garden in the future.  This year's garden has been by far the best garden that we have ever grown.  It hasn't taken much time.  In order to weed it, Michael has ran the tiller down the rows.  It is quick and to the point. 

We have experienced a drought this year.  If it had not been for our drip tape, we would have lost most of our garden.  I am thankful that we still used our watering system even though it was a bit more of a challenge in the traditional row garden.

As with any garden experience, we have made our share of mistakes this year.  For example, we only planted about half of the amount of green beans that we needed to can.  We will fix that problem next year.  Our second corn planting didn't come up, so we should have replanted more corn.  We just didn't pay attention, or realize it until it was too late.  We also let the weeds take over the herb garden.  My herbs are still producing, but I did lose my Thyme in the process.  I can't tell the Thyme from the weeds!  I will do better next year.

The next chore on our list is to clean up after the summer garden.  We have to roll up the drip tape, and till the old plants under.  It is also time to get my fall garden planted.  I have been trying to hold off on planting my plants due to the heat.

grace and peace,


Carmen S. said...

OH those melons and peppers are just gorgeous! You definitely have a green thumb!!! If you get a chance to stop by my blog, I became a grandma yesterday:D

mitsy said...

Hello Julie and family!

I've commented on your blog a couple times before. I always look forward to reading about your farm updates, especially ones that involve Missy. :)

Anyway, just wanted to mention that we finally found our farm. I had asked you a while back about Rogersville, which had a 6 acre farm that we were looking at - that never materialized, but we did find an even better property about 20 minutes from Rogersville in Kyles Ford. It's 60 acres and has two cabins, a barn, outbuildings, creek, pasture, privacy, everything we've been looking for.

We won't be able to actually move to it for a while since we'll need to sell our current house, but we are so excited to have made this step! Anyway, looking forward to applying your farm wisdom to our new place someday and making new friends.

~ Sarah
Boulder Creek, CA

Amy Ellen said...

That all looks so good. I hope at some point to have a garden again. There is nothing better then fruit fresh off the tree or vine. Frankly I want to get my own cow as well. Love milk fresh from the cow. I love looking at your pictures, they just inspire me.