Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Count Your Blessings Not Your Troubles

Today has been a rainy day, but I love rainy days so I was happy. I think we have cried just about all the tears over the possible move that we can or should cry for now. There will be more water leaks later, but for now we are going to concentrate on the season at hand. Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and I plan on enjoying every minute of my favorite holiday. I saw a billboard at a church close to our home that said, "Count your blessings and not your troubles." I decided that was wise advice so I have been focusing more on our blessings than what might seem like troubles. It isn't always easy, but I also decided that I would face this next journey of our life with much grace and some style along the way. My niece called today and had a strange request. She told me that she had only eaten fudge one time in her life and it was at the Smokey Mountains. She was hoping that I could make her some fudge while she was here for Thanksgiving. I personally think my brother should be put on probation for not feeding his 10 year old fudge on a regular basis. I assured her that her Aunt Julie would see to it that she would have all the fudge she desired. I have never had fudge on my Thanksgiving menu, but you can bet your bottom dollar that it would be on this year's menu!

grace and peace,


Andrea Cherie said...

I'm so sad to read about a possible upcoming move. I love your home/farm and I've never even seen it in real life! But you lead a beautiful life and I'm sure you will continue that wherever God plants you!

Marci said...

Smokey Mountain Fudge is the best. :) Pumpkin was my favorite flavor!!!

I think it is wise to concentrate on the blessings.

Carmen S. said...

Julie, I so admire your courage in the face of uncertainty. You are a lovely Aunt for making the fudge,and I'm sure she will greatly appreciate and enjoy eating it:)
P.S...any leftovers can be sent up here to PA, LOL!!!!!

bsadams said...

mmmm fudge, yes there is something most definitely wrong with your brother, haha,