Wednesday, June 10, 2009

While We Were Away

We also took some time on our vacation to study some history. We went to visit the Cape Hatteras light house. Beautiful. We didn't climb to the top because of the cost per person, but we stood and looked from the ground. Still it was beautiful. All of my children love history so it is just something that we always try to incorporate any time we head to somewhere new. We didn't get our fill of the light house, so we purchased a beautiful puzzle of this light house. Everybody worked diligently to get the puzzle put together before the end of our vacation. Well, except for me, I read diligently. They almost finished the puzzle...there was just a little bit of sky left to finish.

The beach is such a drastic change from the mountains and farm life that we live on a daily basis. The beach is beautiful in its own way, but I sure was happy to get back to our mountains and our farm. Farm living is definitely for me!!!!

grace and peace,


Carmen S. said...

What a beautiful family photo, that light house looks amazing:)

Mountain Mama said...

Oh, how fun. And a puzzle to boot!

I love the pictures of your family on the beach. So relaxing!

flcountrygirl said...

You need to print me one of these so I will have an updated pic to show everyone. I can't believe Hope is almost as tall as you.
Your Sister Lisa