Saturday, January 24, 2009

Prince Caspian Ballet

It is ballet time here in our area. This year her ballet company is doing an original Prince Caspian ballet. Not that I am partial or anything, but this is the best ballet I have ever seen!
I have to be honest and this might just catch you by surprise, but I am not a ballet person. I never really appreciated the beauty of the whole ballet experience. I am slowly being converted, and I am learning just how beautiful of an art form ballet can be. It also helps that our ballet company chooses to do performances that real people can understand!!!
grace and peace,


Paige said...

Yay! Finally some pictures! Hope looks so pretty!

Dreamer said...

Ballet is so beautiful. Next year I'm taking Hannah to the Nutcracker ballet that our local ballet company does every year at Christmas. It is so exciting for little girls and grown men alike (one year I took my Dad and he loved it)!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing, your daughter is beautiful. I miss your Sunday scripture and picture. Stay warm

TnFullQuiver said...

I didn't realize that it was really YOU commenting on the blog! I so wish you could head this way for a visit. I miss you, sweetie. Thanks for chatting with Hope on email. It means so much to her. Take care! By the way, stay away from men's can be dangerous!!!

Hope and I went and saw the Nutcracker several years back. We had such a special time. We also ate dinner out and made some great memories. You will have fun!

I was just thinking about Sunday Scriptures and pictures again yesterday. I need to take a day and go hiking to get some new pictures. It is hard for me to take pictures in the winter time because everything looks kind of dreary here. I love the winter time, but I don't know how to photograph it very well. Thanks for the encouragement!

grace and peace,

Anonymous said...

That was a beautiful show and your daughter was beautiful. I played Mr Tumnus and had a great time getting to know her.

TnFullQuiver said...

"Mr. Tumnus",
Thanks for the comment!!! You did a great job in the ballet, and I so appreciate you being so good to all the kids. Have a great day!!!

grace and peace,