It's been over 40 days since my last post, that's hard to believe. I hope we can be more diligent to log on and share more often. It is amazing how busy it can be this time of year and I have not taken the time to sit down at the computer except for quick business sessions. I'll give an update on what we've been up to and then get back to regular posting....., I hope.
In our quest of supplying food from on farm sources, we've made progress. My fencing is nearly done around our food plot and we now have blueberry plants in the ground. Let me give a quick plug and thanks to Bluegrass Blueberries out to Edmonton, KY. They are very nice folks and supplied us with 27 healthy plants, packaged very nice and shipped very quick. We got them in the ground the week after Thanksgiving. I look forward to spring when we can see new growth taking place. We have also begun to finalize our choices of fruit trees that we will be planting soon. Any recommendations on apple varieties would be appreciated.
I'd like to say we made progress on our debt reduction, but I can't. We didn't accumulate much new debt through the holidays, but we didn't do much to lessen it either. We did make a lot of headway on our second investment house. It should be done sometime this month, hopefully it will sell quickly as will our other house. This would go a long way towards debt reduction. One piece of news on this front, there is a wood chipping company that has been clearing pine trees from my neighbor's property and they are going to clear our pines. It's approximately 9 acres of pines and will net us around $1600. This was a nice surprise for us.
We had a very relaxing Christmas and New Year. We stayed here at our home this year for the first time in several years. It was nice to not be traveling and being here at home enjoying our time together as a family.
Well, time for me to get off here and go play with my kids. I'll be back more often, and post some interesting stuff. God bless.